P25Reflector connector
You can use this connector to connect to a network which supports the P25Reflector protocol, like P25Reflector servers.
The easiest way is to use the Quick setup to connect to these networks.
Talkgroup handling
P25Reflector servers handle only one talkgroup. You can find each server's talkgroup ID in the server list, or if you enable Advanced mode, then the talkgroup ID setting will be shown.
If the Enable group call rerouting setting is enabled (it's enabled by default), then all calls from your P25 radio will be forwarded to the correct talkgroup ID, and all calls from the network will be forwarded to talkgroup set at Reroute group calls from net to ID to your radio. In this case, make sure you have this talkgroup in your radio's selective call list (if SelCall is enabled), or set this talkgroup as the TX contact for the radio's current channel, otherwise you won't hear incoming calls on your radio.
Rerouting can be useful if you can't modify your radio's configuration (you don't have a programming cable or software for the radio). In this case, keep rerouting enabled, and set the Reroute group calls from net to ID to the talkgroup you already have in your radio.
If the Enable group call rerouting setting is disabled, then you have to send your calls to the correct talkgroup (the P25Reflector's TG ID), and incoming calls will be sent to their original destination ID (the P25Reflector's TG ID).
If you use C4FM modem mode, then your calls will be automatically sent to the P25Reflector's TG ID regardless of the Enable group call rerouting setting.
Switching P25Reflector servers using your radio
You can switch P25Reflector servers with your radio by calling the desired server's ID with a private call. If the Allow server change with group calls option is enabled (it is enabled by default), then starting a group call to the desired talkgroup's ID performs a server switch.
Cross mode usage
The P25Reflector connector is an P25 connector, but it supports C4FM cross modem mode. Make sure you use VW (Voice Wide) mode on your C4FM radio, otherwise your calls sent to the server will be silent.
You can switch P25Reflector servers with your C4FM radio by entering the Special command/cross mode private call DTMF code DTMF code (by default it's *) followed by the desired server's ID, or use the Wires-X® button menu to select/search for servers.